Made My Bed
I make my bed every morning
After I discipline my body with 2 miles of exercise
And after my husband rises.
A habit cultivated, I cannot leave
For the day until my bed is made.
Exhausted, I return to my bed
& pull off the 12 year old blankets
Then straighten the wrinkles out of the sheets
& pull their patterns flat.
Pick up the musty lavender velour, spread
& pull its corners ‘til arranged
Letting its heavy sides cover the full bed
& pull its sides until
Almost reaching the ground
Almost completely covering my bed frame.
And then the bedspread falls, arranging corners
& pull down the sides until
Lilacs fall off my be, their flat patterns float
& pull down & over.
I then gather the dark curtains that make my headboard
& pull them back, morning light growing in them,
& then the pillows. I gather them
& pull & plump & fluff then stand them
Arranging them until my bed looks
like a magazine cover
that would catch someone’s eye
at a newsstand until they reach over
& pull it off the shelf to examine;
A flat picture that hints of rest & comfort
& pulls you out of reality.
A habit cultivated, I cannot leave
For the day until my bed is made.
Oct 6, 2005
Lilac Spray by CC Willow |